

摘要: 智能康健效劳包可实现多功效一站式集成 ,轻盈便携;接纳蓝牙毗连 ,可拓展更多功效;支持全网通联网 ,数据时刻在线;24小时超长续航 ,支持外接移动电源 。The intelligent health servi

智能康健效劳包可实现多功效一站式集成 ,轻盈便携;接纳蓝牙毗连 ,可拓展更多功效;支持全网通联网 ,数据时刻在线;24小时超长续航 ,支持外接移动电源 。

The intelligent health service package can achieve multi-functional one-stop integration, lightweight and portable; Using Bluetooth connection can expand more functions; Support full network connectivity, with data always online; 24-hour ultra long battery life, supporting external mobile power supply.

主要功效包括康健体检筛查治理、慢病随访治理效劳治理、电子康健档案治理、康健数据可对接公共卫生系统及区域康健云平台、家庭医生签约效劳治理 。

The main functions include health examination screening management, chronic disease follow-up management service management, electronic health record management, health data integration with public health systems and regional health cloud platforms, and family doctor signing service management.

检测项目包括体重、体温、血压、血氧、血糖、心电、脉率、尿通例 。

The testing items include weight, body temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen, blood sugar, electrocardiogram, pulse rate, and urine routine.


扩展检测项目包括腰臀比、电子腰围、尿酸、血脂四项、血红卵白及糖化血红卵白 。

The extended testing items include waist to hip ratio, electronic waist circumference, uric acid, blood lipids, hemoglobin, and glycated hemoglobin.

可应用于全科医生随访、照顾护士职员巡诊、墟落卫生室、社区卫生效劳站 ,州里卫生院、社区卫生效劳中心 ,居家康健治理 。

It can be applied to general practitioner follow-up, nursing staff rounds, rural health rooms, community health service stations, township health centers, community health service centers, and home health management.


Application status

公共卫生随访包具有便携易用的优势 ,为村医、家庭医生等举行慢病治理提供辅助手段 ,随时随地举行基础康健数据的快速检测及网络 。

The public health follow-up package has the advantage of portability and ease of use, providing auxiliary means for village doctors, family doctors, and others to manage chronic diseases, and quickly detect and collect basic health data anytime and anywhere.

同时天生康健治理档案 ,让慢病患者都能享受到快捷的康健治理效劳 ,提高医护职员事情效率 。

Simultaneously generate health management records, allowing chronic disease patients to enjoy fast health management services and improving the efficiency of medical staff.

检测效果可上传康健治理云平台 ,便于慢病治理及院外管控 。

The test results can be uploaded to the health management cloud platform for the convenience of chronic disease management and external control.

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