

摘要: 什么是康健体检治理系统?What is the health examination management system?康健已成为现代社会人们日益体贴的问题:Health has
What is the health examination management system?
Health has become an increasingly concerned issue in modern society:
How do you know if you have a healthy body?
How to find physical abnormalities as soon as possible and get medical attention in time?
How does the employer know whether the employee is healthy?
接触有害物质职员按期职业康健检查、学生入学康健检查等,都离不开医院体检,因此种种规范化的体检中心或医院越来越多 。
Regular occupational health examination for personnel exposed to hazardous substances and health examination for students can not be separated from hospital physical examination, so there are more and more professional and standardized physical examination centers or hospitals.
Each physical examination center will face some important problems:
How to effectively use existing resources?
How to receive a large number of physical examination personnel orderly?
How to query the inspection report results accurately and quickly?
怎样建设并有用的治理自己日益重大的体检数据档案等 。
How to establish and effectively manage their own increasingly large medical data archives.
These will be the serious problems that each physical examination center needs to face. The health examination management system
康健体检治理系统(以下简称:体检系统)是从医院康健体检的现实应用出发,资助体检治理标准化,针对体检事情量时段分派不匀称等特点,了体检流程化问题 。体检系统一样平常是团结当今体检中心治理现状需求,多方协作配合举行整体计划的论证设计 。
The physical examination management system (hereinafter referred to as "the physical examination system") is based on the practical application of the hospital's physical examination, helping to standardize the physical examination management. In view of the uneven distribution of physical examination workload, it focuses on solving the problem of physical examination process. The physical examination system generally combines the current management needs of the physical examination center and cooperates with many parties to demonstrate and design the overall scheme.
Physical examination
系统特点:体检系统接纳流程化体检治理模式,使用种种的信息化手艺和通讯手艺,以及与数字化医疗装备的无缝毗连,支持与PACS、LIS等辖档同接 。通过体检系统可以规范体检流程,节约事情时间,提高检查效果准确性,提高效劳质量,体检报告越发雅观,抵达优化体检体验,提升效劳形象,为医院或体检中心带来了更大的经济效益和社会效益的目的 。
System features: The physical examination system adopts the process based physical examination management mode, uses various advanced information technology and communication technology, and seamlessly connects with digital medical equipment, supporting the connection with PACS, LIS and other systems. The physical examination system can standardize the physical examination process, save working time, improve the accuracy of the examination results, improve the service quality, make the physical examination report more beautiful, optimize the physical examination experience, improve the service image, and bring greater economic and social benefits to the hospital or physical examination center.
Technology advancement and extensibility: the medical examination information management system involves modern management science, system theory, information theory, computer technology, network communication technology, health management, department management business, medical science and technology and other multidisciplinary fields; The physical examination system adopts advanced, mature and stable computer technology, network communication technology, development and operation platform, database system, graphics and image processing system to maintain the leading position of the system for a long time?
作为体检中心的主要事情平台,是开展一样平常体检营业和体检治理的焦点手段,系统思量的因素将不但是目今的可用性,更主要的是系统在未来生长中,包括手艺的生长,政策的生长,能够经受得住多种因素的磨练 。
As the main working platform of the physical examination center, it is the core means to carry out daily physical examination business and physical examination management. The factors considered by the system will not only be the current availability, but also the future development of the system, including the development of technology and national policies, which can withstand the test of many factors.
The above is a detailed introduction to the medical examination management system of the hospital. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services /