

摘要: 随着社会的生长,现代化信息的笼罩,盘算机已经成为人们生涯、学习和事情中必不可少的工具之一,盘算机的普及和应用为人们带来便捷 。With
随着社会的生长,现代化信息的笼罩,盘算机已经成为人们生涯、学习和事情中必不可少的工具之一,盘算机的普及和应用为人们带来便捷 。
With the development of society and the coverage of modern information, computers have become one of the indispensable tools in people's life, study and work. The popularity and application of computers bring convenience to people.
What advantages can physical examination software bring to the physical examination center?
More convenient physical examination registration
已往每位体检者到体检中心后都需填写表格,团检单位职员基数大,纸笔填表繁琐,字迹不清甚还会由于字体潦草带来误会,而通过体检软件,可通过身份证自动读取小我私家信息,团检单位可批量导入职工信息到电脑上,利便盘问 。
In the past, every physical examinee had to fill in a form after arriving at the physical examination center. The group examination unit had a large staff base, and the paper and pen filling was cumbersome. The handwriting was unclear, and even led to misunderstandings due to scribbling. Through the physical examination software, personal information can be read automatically through the ID card. The group examination unit can import employee information into the computer in batches for easy query.
The items in the physical examination guidance sheet are clear and definite
体检者到院挂号后,可自动打印指引单,指引单上每个体检项目对应响应科室门牌号,具有指引分流的作用,坚持现场井然有序,同时体检者对自己的检查项目情形一目了然,镌汰漏检、错检征象,规范了体检流程,优化体检环节 。
After the physical examiners arrive at the hospital for registration, they can automatically print the guidance sheet. Each physical examination item on the guidance sheet corresponds to the corresponding department number, which has the function of guiding the diversion and keeping the scene in order. At the same time, the physical examiners can see their own examination items at a glance, reduce the phenomenon of missed and wrong examinations, standardize the physical examination process, and optimize the physical examination process.
Convenient file storage and search
已往手工的体检档案,每小我私家单唯一份纸质生涯,需要占用较大的空间,岂论小我私家或单位生涯,都容易破损和丧失,一旦损毁无法补办 。而通过体检软件,使得档案数据化,备份简朴,即用即调,大大节约资料库空间 。
In the past, manual medical examination files were kept by each person in a separate paper, which took up a large space. No matter whether they were kept by individuals or organizations, they were easy to be damaged and lost, and once damaged, they could not be replaced. Through the medical examination software, the files can be digitized, the backup is simple, and the database space is greatly saved.
The written physical examination report is neat and beautiful
已往手写报告经常由于差别医生的字迹,使得书面并不雅观,体检者拿到自己的体检报告后难以区分字迹内容 。而电脑天生的体检档案,直接雅观,字迹工致,体检数据和医生建议都一目了然 。
In the past, written reports were often unsightly because of the handwriting of different doctors, and it was difficult for physical examiners to distinguish the handwriting after getting their own medical reports. The computer-generated medical examination files are direct and beautiful, with neat handwriting, and the medical examination data and doctor's suggestions are clear at a glance.
Convenient information collection and retrieval
体检中心科室多,每个科室的检查是自力完成的,已往科室间的信息不可共享,现在,通过体检软件将每个检查科室通过电脑网络毗连,实时上传信息,在总检电脑上便可以盘问所有办公室的体检信息,汇总利便 。
There are many departments in the physical examination center, and the examination of each department is completed independently. In the past, the information between departments could not be shared. Now, through the physical examination software, each examination department is connected through the computer network, and the information is uploaded in real time. The physical examination information of all offices can be queried on the general examination computer, which is convenient to summarize.
The above is a detailed introduction to the medical examination management system of the hospital. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with professional services /