
康健小屋” ,综合各方实力立异治理慢病

摘要: 随着社会经济的生长、人民生涯水平的提高和生齿老龄化历程的加速 ,人群的疾病模式已经爆发了很大转变 ,慢性疾病已成为危害人民康健和社会经
随着社会经济的生长、人民生涯水平的提高和生齿老龄化历程的加速 ,人群的疾病模式已经爆发了很大转变 ,慢性疾病已成为危害人民康健和社会经济生长的主要公共卫生问题。
With the development of social economy, the improvement of people's living standards and the acceleration of the aging process of the population, the disease pattern of the population has changed greatly, and chronic diseases have become a major public health problem endangering people's health and socio-economic development.
追求从高条理上切实或滞缓慢病生长 ,不但是卫生部分一家的事情 ,还需要全社会起劲加入进来 ,各有关部分单位协调相助。
Seeking to effectively solve or slow down the development of chronic diseases at a high level is not only a matter for the health sector, but also requires the active participation of the whole society and the coordination and mutual assistance of all relevant departments and units.
建设起由政府向导的慢性病预防控制事情协调机制 ,落实卫生、宣传、发改、财务、教育、人力社保、民政、体育、食物药品羁系、州里等部分事情职能。
Establish a government led coordination mechanism for chronic disease prevention and control, and implement the work functions of health, publicity, development and reform, finance, education, human resources and social security, civil affairs, sports, food and drug supervision, villages and towns and other departments.
将慢病防控事情纳入相关部分通例事情内容 ,形成部分联动、亲近配合、通力协作的事情名堂 ,成为慢病治理的顽强后援。
The prevention and control of chronic diseases will be included in the routine work of relevant departments, forming a working pattern of linkage, close cooperation and full cooperation among departments, and becoming a strong backing for chronic disease management.
“康健小屋” ,就是基于这种团结包管机制下的新产品和效果结晶。
The "Health House" is based on the new products and achievements under this joint guarantee mechanism.
“康健小屋” 功效
"Health cabin" function
“康健小屋”为牢靠康健指标检测点 ,兼有自助体检功效 ,修建面积视详细情形而定 ,可以十几 ,也可以上百 ,顺应性强。
The "Health Cabin" is a fixed health indicator detection point, which also has the function of self-service physical examination. The building area depends on the specific situation, which can be more than 10 square meters or more than 100 square meters. It has strong adaptability.
The government raised construction funds and invested in a series of medical instruments and equipment that can measure height, weight, blood pressure, waist circumference, blood sugar, blood lipid (part), bone density (ECG, B-ultrasound, X-ray film can be equipped if conditions permit).
由卫生部分操作 ,事情职员出详细检汇总单、形成人体成份检测报告并提出康健意见建议书 ,全程实验电脑化治理。
It shall be operated by the health department, and the staff shall issue the physical examination summary sheet, form the human body composition test report and put forward the health advice proposal, and implement the computerized management throughout the process.
“康健小屋”的建设 ,既利便住民的康健体检 ,又很洪流平上缓解了下层医疗卫生效劳机构的城乡住民康健体检事情压力。
The establishment of the "Health House" not only facilitates the health examination of residents, but also greatly relieves the pressure of health examination of urban and rural residents in primary medical and health service institutions.
不可否定 ,在现阶段的医疗卫生系统中 ,社区卫生效劳已经成为慢病综合防治的选择。
It is undeniable that in the current medical and health system, community health services have become the choice of comprehensive prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
在开展社区卫生效劳事情中 ,对常见慢性病的防治、住民电子康健档案的建设与分级随访治理事情是慢病事情的焦点内容。
In carrying out community health services, the prevention and treatment of common chronic diseases, the establishment of residents' electronic health records and hierarchical follow-up management are the core contents of chronic diseases.
“康健小屋”信息数据的录入 ,高度融进了住民电子康健档案治理及临床医生电子诊断系统 ,使临床医生能实时与掌握住民的康健状态 ,相识住民自己及其家庭的基本资料。
The input of information data of "Health House" is highly integrated into the residents' electronic health record management and clinician's electronic diagnosis system, so that clinicians can timely grasp the residents' health status and understand the basic information of residents and their families.
It plays a vital role in providing the residents with systematic and standardized medical care, prevention, rehabilitation and other health care services.
The above is a detailed introduction to the Health Cabin. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with our attitude /