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A professional health examination management software developed specifically for disease prevention and control centers, occupational disease examination centers, and comprehensive examination centers that can conduct occupational health examinations.
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Batch import of occupational information, recommended mandatory items
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The items for occupational disease physical examination are usually not selected by individuals or enterprises, but by national regulations. The physical examination center determines which items to undergo based on the nature of the employee's work, while ordinary health examinations are determined by individuals or enterprises themselves.
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The occupational disease physical examination system can batch import enterprise employee information, including basic information, occupational history, medical history, occupational disease basic data settings, including industry, workshop work type, radiation work type, hazardous factors, etc. It can automatically recommend required examination items based on occupational hazardous factors and occupational categories.
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The Xinglin Qixian Occupational Disease Examination System has added a "Radiation Occupational Examination" functional module in practical application, providing more convenient and efficient medical services for radiation related occupational health examinations.
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Establish occupational health records to support comparison of previous results
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Occupational disease physical examination is divided into pre job physical examination, regular on-the-job physical examination, and off job physical examination. The examination period is closely related to the occupational disease hazards that are exposed to, and regular physical examination cannot replace occupational disease health examination.
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The occupational disease physical examination system establishes long-term and effective occupational health records for enterprises and individuals. Each health examination is updated in real-time to the records, generating occupational disease history, and providing relevant units and departments with services such as health record query, retrieval, and analysis.
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Support comparative analysis of previous results, making it easier for doctors to better assess the health status of employees.
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Occupational disease and health standard data, critical value reminder
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Occupational diseases should be diagnosed based on specific exposure to toxins, while health examinations are based on the results of indicators, and the diagnostic rules for the same test indicators are different.
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The Xinglin Qixian Occupational Disease Physical Examination System complies with the national standard GBZ188-2014, with comprehensive occupational disease symptoms and data standards built-in, which can be customized, modified, and maintained according to the center's situation; Can intelligently determine the critical value of occupational diseases and issue warning and reminder messages.
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Diagnostic conclusions and handling suggestions will be called "Professional Conclusion Suggestion Settings", and the chief physician will select and draw conclusions without the need to input text. This can accurately, quickly, and conveniently draw examination results, reducing human errors.
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Powerful reporting capabilities to meet various needs
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The format of the occupational disease physical examination report needs to reflect the occupational nature of the employee, as well as their work history, acute and chronic occupational disease history, and exposure to toxic substances. The specific format is also different from the regular health examination format, and the report should provide occupational taboo explanations or suggestions.
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The occupational disease physical examination system provides multiple types of report templates, such as individual physical examination reports, occupational disease group examination reports, taboo notice cards, reexamination notices, summary tables of abnormal results, occupational disease diagnosis certificates, etc.