

摘要: 康健小屋作为一种系统、的康健自测系统,对社区卫生效劳建设施展着主要作用。 一定水平上,步队相当于一个关闭的社区,下层步队卫生气
康健小屋作为一种系统、的康健自测系统,对社区卫生效劳建设施展着主要作用。 一定水平上,步队相当于一个关闭的社区,下层步队卫生气构相当于营区里的社区卫生效劳站点,在步队中举行康健小屋的建设,可以更好地生长和完善步队卫生效劳。
As a systematic and comprehensive health self testing system, health huts play an important role in the construction of community health services. To some extent, the military is equivalent to a closed community, and grassroots military health institutions are equivalent to community health service stations in the barracks. The construction of health huts in the military can better develop and improve military health services.
The Health Cabin is proposed by the health department based on the practical needs of chronic disease prevention and control work, in order to solve people's unhealthy lifestyles. It is a new model that transforms the traditional physician management model into a combination of doctors and patients, and patients participate independently.
The concept of a healthy cabin
康健小屋是一个自助式数字化康健治理效劳平台,是由公共卫生气构提供的,用于康健体检、干预指导和普及康健知识、指导群众养成自我治理康健意识的场合。 康健小屋内配备有身高体重丈量仪、血压仪、血糖仪、骨密度仪、中医体质辨识系统、人体因素剖析仪、肺功效仪和心电图等康健收罗器以及终端控制系统和数据收罗处置惩罚系统。
Health Cabin is a self-service digital health management service platform provided by public health institutions, used for health examinations, intervention guidance, popularization of health knowledge, and guiding the public to develop self-management health awareness. The health cabin is equipped with health collectors such as height and weight measuring instruments, blood pressure meters, blood glucose meters, bone density meters, traditional Chinese medicine constitution recognition systems, human body composition analyzers, lung function meters, and electrocardiogram, as well as terminal control systems and data acquisition and processing systems.
The functions of a healthy cabin
1.自助检测 住民可随时使用康健小屋内设置的种种类型的康健收罗器,举行康健监测,康健数据通过网络实时传输给对应的康健治理中心,由医师给予指导。
1. Self service testing allows residents to use various types of health collectors configured in the health cabin at any time for health monitoring. Health data is transmitted in real-time to the corresponding health management center through the network, and is guided by professional doctors.
2.康健评估 在康健小屋或者任何可上网的地方,用户可登录网络保健中心网站的小我私家康健空间,使用种种康健评估工具,包括疾病自我诊断、康健自测、生涯方法评估、疾病危害评估等问卷举行康健评估。
2. Health assessment: Users can log in to the personal health space of the online health center website in the health cabin or any place with internet access, and use various health assessment tools, including disease self diagnosis, health self testing, lifestyle assessment, disease risk assessment, and other questionnaires for health assessment.
3.康健干预 凭证用户的康健评估,系统会天生康健干预计划,包括慢病治理、个性化运动、生涯方法干预、肥胖/减重治理、个性化饮食、压力治理计划。
3. Health intervention: Based on the user's health assessment, the system will generate a health intervention plan, including chronic disease management, personalized exercise, lifestyle intervention, obesity/weight loss management, personalized diet, and stress management plan.
4.打印报告 用户可以在康健小屋内打印检测报告、评估报告,或者通过手机或电脑下载审查。
4. Users can print test and evaluation reports in the health cabin, or download and view them through their mobile phones or computers.
Characteristics of a Healthy Cabin
以人为本强化指导干预 在自助康健小屋模式下,改变以往由医师完全主导的体检模式,用户可以凭证现实需要自行选择体检项目温顺序,仪器人性化的设计和简朴快捷的操作既利便受检者也提高仪器的使用率。 指导住民自我加入,实现自主康健治理,更新康健看法,增强防病意识,形成优异的康健生涯方法,提高住民的整体康健水平。
Under the self-service health cabin mode, the people-oriented and strengthened guidance intervention has changed from the previous medical examination mode completely dominated by doctors. Users can choose the examination items and order according to their actual needs. The humanized design and simple and fast operation of the instrument not only facilitate the examinees but also improve the utilization rate of the instrument. Guide residents to self participate, achieve independent health management, update health concepts, enhance disease prevention awareness, form a good healthy lifestyle, and improve the overall health level of residents.